Backing up your business data is one of those critical tasks that has always been hidden away, taken for granted and a lot of the time, well … seen as boring. We all know it needs done and we all assume it works but what if that critical information hasn’t backed up correctly or has suffered data corruption! Or what if that data isn’t backed up in the way you think it is, many users assume that all Office 365 data will be backed up by Microsoft but that really isn’t the case.
Read MoreIn our strive for a greener world, which needs to, and will, mean an energy transition from consumption of energy and producs from hydrocarbons to a less polluting form that allows us to keep doing what we need to do – you might think using a data centre as part of your business operations is not very – well … green.
Our data centres, and our partners’ data centres, certainly use a lot of power – Megawatts of the stuff, and as an individual business, you need to have a huge IT demand and compelling business reasons to own and operate your own data centre.
Read MoreYou might have read and heard about the terrible cyber-attacks that have happened to many organisations and businesses in Scotland over the last very few years – Maersk Group, SEPA, SAMH – have all suffered devastating attacks against them.
There are and will be many more – sadly when it comes to cyber security we are up against a crime based industry worth $1.3Tr and climbing.
Read MoreAt IFB we have been building in security from the start in everything we do. This does not mean we are 100% secure – no one is – but it does mean as a business we approach, manage and de-risk cyber threats in the same way as we do health and safety issues or any other risk to the business.
Read MoreWith businesses redefining the future of work and continuing to use home working and hybrid working models, the discussion about cyber security is more relevant than ever as businesses look to ensure they are protected as best they can be with a more disperse workforce.
Read MoreConnectivity, cyber security and data hosting and management specialist IFB, has invested £500,000 to accelerate its expansion plans which includes a new partnership with Scotland’s leading hybrid cloud managed service provider, Brightsolid.
Read MoreOn 15th December we held our final webinar of the year, wrapping up 2021 and looking forward to 2022 - covering all things digital tech with a festive movie twist, hosted by IFB’s CEO Graeme Gordon and contributions from friends of IFB.
Read MoreIFB’s Threat Intelligence Platform was launched last year as a new cyber security service in response to businesses having to operate from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is designed to help them identify security risks before attackers do and as businesses look to define the future of work, its still just as vital now for them to have sight of any vulnerabilities on their network.
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