Threat Intelligence Platform – what is it and how can it help your business stay secure?
IFB’s Threat Intelligence Platform was launched last year as a new cyber security service in response to businesses having to operate from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is designed to help them identify security risks before attackers do and as businesses look to define the future of work, it’s still just as vital now for them to have sight of any vulnerabilities on their network.
The Threat Intelligence Platform allows organisations of all sizes to identify and report on vulnerabilities on devices attached to their network by providing an external and internal view of an organisation’s network and digital infrastructure. Scanning detects the status and condition of hardware and software, showing out-of-date versions, gaps in patching and updates as well as areas of misconfiguration, all of which can be exploited by potential hackers or cybercriminals. It also helps businesses to clearly understand how to fix any vulnerabilities in their digital infrastructure and systems.
As a direct result of COVID-19, organisations felt more vulnerable, with it becoming evident that many organisation’s IT infrastructure are not prepared for long term and widespread remote working. With many organisations having to apply what is effectively a “band aid approach” to remote working to remain operational, it left them open to more cyber risk as many organisations lack the time and resource to manage and detect anomalies. This created an opportunity for such gaps in knowledge and capacity for opportunistic cyber criminals.
Now, as businesses consider what the future of work looks like for them – with some returning to offices full-time, others adopting a hybrid model and several working remotely more or all of the time – security is at the top of the agenda. Organisations are recognizing that its impractical to try to go back to a traditional workplace environment and that with changes to where employees are working from and the way they are working, comes the need to make changes and improvements to their security measures and practices to ensure their critical business systems and data isn’t compromised.
With our Threat Intelligence Platform, businesses can identify vulnerabilities across their digital business estate anywhere in the world and gain access to real intelligence and action plans to remediate these quickly. By scanning an organisation’s public facing environment, Threat Intelligence provides them with a view and insight into the view that a cybercriminal could be able to see. Team IFB can then take this data and analyse it using the Threat Intelligence platform by categorising the threat and ranking the potential risks. IFB is able to utilise its engineering expertise to make recommendations on how to remedy any risk identified and use this to create an interactive and secure online report with support dashboard.
Benefits of Threat Intelligence
Stay secure – improve the security of your organisation
Clear, actionable reporting – use our secure dashboard to evaluate potential risks and close them down quickly and precisely and track trends and changes
Be cost effective – reduce your teams time on reporting and analytics
Accreditation and confidence – help you achieve and maintain cyber security accreditation such as Cyber Essentials Plus
Adopting Threat Intelligence has really accelerated IFB’s customers’ approach to better cyber security. Knowing what their digital environment looks like and understanding how to keep it secure has been a massive benefit to IFB’s customers, not just in normal and daily operations, but also when they have been looking to achieve and maintain security accreditations such as Cyber Essentials Plus.
You can find out more about IFB’s Threat Intelligence Platform and our current promotion on the service by registering your interest here or contacting Team IFB directly on 0845 270 2100.
Put your organisation’s security to the test and find out how resilient you are to cyber attacks
In partnership with Scottish Business Resilience Centre, IFB is delighted to be supporting a live Exercise in a Box workshop on Thursday 2nd December from 9:30 – 12:30 at One TechHub Aberdeen. The free non-technical workshop is designed to help organisations find out how resilient they are to cyber-attacks and practice their response in a safe environment. Click the button below to register to attend: