Making Cyber Security a Board responsibility

At IFB we have been building in security from the start in everything we do. This does not mean we are 100% secure – no one is – but it does mean as a business we approach, manage and de-risk cyber threats in the same way as we do health and safety issues or any other risk to the business.

We work hard to make sure everyone involved with us is aware of their part in keeping themselves, IFB and our customers and partners secure. This happens on a regular and relevant basis – looking at real world and practical events – with examples of what good looks like and what not so good means.

For us security is a full team sport, meaning that it stopped being an IT problem years ago and becomes a business improvement opportunity – knowing and understanding our cyber security posture and position means we can remain as secure as we can, this in turn helps us maximise and support our own uptime and the uptime of others we work with.

All this helps build confidence and trust in ourselves, and what we do as well as what we do for others.

Acting on cyber security in this way – talking about and considering acting on the impacts to the business - means it’s easy to communicate its importance across all we do and is top of our board reporting and board conversations.

To have a discussion on how IFB can help you improve your business conversation on cyber security, get in touch.