Fully Managed Firewall
Firewalls have been a first line of defense in network and business security for over 25 years – now they are an enabling platform for much, much more.
By working with market-leading manufacturers we deliver and support Next Generation Firewalls to protect businesses and organisations to securely enable and support their workforce. Our team supports SME’s organisation and also enterprise organisations and public sector customers protecting office workloads and environments as well as industrial environments including IoT.
Industry-leading protection - This includes advanced threat prevention designed to prevent cyber attacks.
Maintain business uptime - Solutions designed to maintain your business uptime all the time across your entire organisation.
Reduce complexity and lower costs - A single technology to maintain the core of your security needs reducing complexity and resource demand and lowering costs.

Data Back Up & Recovery
Having a safe, up-to-date and accurate copy of your data is a key part of your security and business operations. It is one of the most assured methods of recovering from an exploit or attack as well as a system failure or accident.
IFB delivers an encrypted business data backup service that is highly secure, flexible, and resilient - designed to help businesses manage everyday data protection, compliance, and archiving needs, and if required safely, accurately, and quickly recover all or part of data estate.
Protect all your data - Use IFB’s platform to backup all your data across servers, appliances, as well as your end-user devices regardless of where they are
Simple and convenient - Scheduling is secure and automated, reporting and alerts are built in as standard and recovery is simple and our team can provide support if required too.
Manage resources and reduce costs - working with one trusted and secure provider for all your backup needs means you save time, resources and money
Part of an advanced range of services - a core part of IFB’s Business Class services portfolio
DDoS - Distributed Denial-of-Service
Business Security
A DDoS attack can cripple your business, slowing down or stopping completely access to and from systems, servers, applications, network infrastructure, and data.
These attacks can create an overwhelming flood of Internet traffic like an unexpected traffic jam clogging up the highway, preventing data and traffic to and from its destination.
IFB’s DDoS protection service puts vital measures in place to mitigate the impact on your business’s continuity by stripping out the offending traffic and only sending legitimate traffic to your network. We do this well before the attack can affect your business.

Email Filtering
Unwanted email is not only a real pain in the hard drive, but a real risk to your organisation. Phishing designed to fool your teams and exploit your business is an increasing everyday occurrence.
Located on our infrastructure, our Email filtering service removes millions of unwanted email on a daily basis before they reach our customers - helping reduce threats by intercepting incoming malicious mail before it even reaches your inbox. Used in combination with other malware and anti virus services it can reduce the potential for a rogue email to find its way to a user and inadvertently being opened.
Helps stop unwanted email reaching you - We apply security filtering upstream of your network before they reach you
Reduces risk to your business - limits the chances of a rogue or malicious email reaching your team and being opened - compromising your business and its data
Reduces costs - decreasing the volume of unwanted email lessens the impact on time and resources managing these