How do you stay safe from harm? Cyber Scotland Week Series - 1

First up and to be honest – no one and no thing connected to a public network is 100% secure regardless of how hard try - we the honest folks are up against others so do not care about laws, boundaries, ownership, or sovereignty – they are truly lawless. At the same time, we have a lot of human involvement in our organisations – which is a good thing – but does means mistake, accidents and errors happen. 

Once you accept this you can then do your best when it comes to security. 

Having invested in great Cyber Security tools, processes and resources is a positive step forward to help keep your organisation secure. This does not need to be a huge investment - it just needs to be right for you and maintained. A critical part of a defend and protect strategy must also be about checking, knowing and providing meaningful regular reporting on what your vulnerabilities are – both externally and internally.    

You might think everything is okay and you know the truth - but in a recent survey by Edgescan worryingly, 64% of IT professionals admitted to not being fully aware of their organisation’s web applications or endpoints. This is even more relevant for us all right now as many of your end points are off reservation out there in the wild and often on your employee’s home networks. 


That is why carrying out a regular scan of your digital estate externally and internally means you will see what potential attackers can see. That’s why we developed IFB’s Threat Intelligence platform – specifically designed to provide you with a meaningful, relevant actionable data that highlights critical risks, what their impact could be, why and most importantly how to fix these quickly and effectively.  

To help and in conjunction with our support of CyberScotlandWeek - IFB is offering a limited number of FREE external vulnerability scans forming part of our biggest cyber security survey to date. Our survey is really not that technical and designed for business decision makers of all shapes and sizes out there. CLICK HERE TO TAKE PART  

To get in the know about your security threats register here and complete the survey or call us on 0845 270 2101 to find out more.