Work, check, secure repeat. Cyber Scotland Week Series - 5


While the threat and protection industry has been here since the first computers sparked into life, Cyber security is a new thing and for many of us, it really hasn’t been a massive consideration until we have become the always connected and online economy we are now. 

Interesting fact alert: It was a NASA researcher who created the very first firewall program design, following a computer virus attack at their California base. The researcher and their team created a virtual ‘firewall’ which they modelled on the physical structures that prevent the spread of actual fires within buildings or structures. 

Like anything new we find it difficult to get into the rhythm and routine using a mix of new services and expertise, especially when the benefits are not that evident to tangible at the start or until something goes wrong.  


You don’t get a six pack by going to the gym once, and you don’t get that perfect DJ set by downloading Spotify - so don’t think you will be as secure as you could be by “doing security” once. 

You might not need a six pack or to be a Superstar DJ, but you will want to be cyber fit and be in tune with your customers and partners – and that takes discipline and persistence or at least a plan and polices that can be shared and used by you and your teams across your business.  

Some have the internal resources to handle this all day long – but many need help, assistance and guidance to achieve and maintain that mix between business operations and great security. 

Why not let IFB help you get on track with your security - register here and complete our biggest security survey to date - which also provide an opportunity for a FREE vulnerability scan from IFB.