How resilient is your business when it comes to cyber-attacks?

Find out with Exercise in a Box workshop in partnership with SBRC

IFB is delighted to continue its partnership with Scottish Business Resilience Centre (SBRC) and support the second event series of the Exercise in a Box program which is a free, 90-minute non-technical workshop designed to help organisations find out how resilient they are to cyber-attacks and practice their response in a safe environment.

In the first event series, the workshop had a great response with several businesses and organisations from the North-East taking part in Exercise in a Box and practicing their response to cyber-attacks in scenarios of Homeworking and Phishing Email - Ransomware attack. All involved tested their resilience against cyber-attacks, discussed different scenarios and steps should they be compromised and practiced their response to different scenarios in a safe environment under the lead of ethical hackers at SBRC.

IFB SBRC Exercise in a box

Based on recent incidents involving supply-chain, a new scenario has been added to reflect the current cyber security breaches reported at Colonial Pipeline and Kasaya VSA. Businesses will have an opportunity to review and refine their contingency plans if a cyber-attack was to occur within their supply chain.

 Why join?

Exercise in a Box can be best described as a tool that recreates real world business scenarios and tests organisation’s cyber resilience in each scenario.

During the session you are paired with one of the ethical hackers at SBRC, and they take you through the set of questions designed to re-create a certain scenario. You will have someone on hand who will help you understand if what you are doing is enough and gives you advice on what else you could potentially think to improve the cyber security inside your organisation.

IFB is delighted to see the involvement and interest of its customers to improve the knowledge of cyber security within their business and encourages any organisation to get involved and take the first step to expand their awareness about cyber security and enhance confidence in their resilience to cyber-attacks. 

Book your place in the next Exercise in a Box event

New Supply Chain scenario events taking place on 12th August and 16th September, to book a place, please follow the link:

  • Thursday 12th August - 9.30-11am – Digital Supply Chain

    Registration link here

  • Thursday 16th September - 9.30-11am – Digital Supply Chain

    Registration link here

For any other questions related to cyber security, please contact TeamIFB, we are happy to share our expertise related to Firewall, Anti-Malware, Data Backup, Distributed Denial of Service, Email Filtering, Content Filtering, Multi-Factor Authentication or Vulnerability Scanning. | 0845 270 2101 |